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名称 类别 描述  
Colorant Chromatics PEI Masterbatch - Colors for High Temperature Injection Molding Product/Service Overview High-temperature colorants for polyetherimide resin 查看
Therapy Device - Case Study 案例分析 Versalloy™ used to provide brand distinction and durability for BiowavePRO® non-invasive neuromodulation system 查看
TPEs with Improved Barrier Performance - White Paper 白皮书 Recent developments of medium barrier, high barrier and super high barrier TPEs and their applications in food and medical packaging 查看
How to Improve PET Packaging for UV-Sensitive Beverages - White Paper 白皮书 Enhance content protection without compromising design flexibility, production efficiency or recyclability 查看
用于奢华化妆品和烈酒包装的 Gravi-Tech™ 密度改良配方 Application Overview 使用密度改良配方为您的奢华包封装设计增加重量和美感 查看
ECCOH™ LSFOH (Spanish) Processing & Design Guides ECCOH™ 低烟雾无卤配方通用挤出指南(西班牙语版) 查看
GSDI Silicone Solutions Product/Service Overview Next generation silicone solutions for a wide range of markets and applications, including automotive, consumer, healthcare, military and more 查看
What's the Difference?™填充剂和补强剂 制品 Find out more about glass and carbon fibers and their role in improving stiffness, learn about mineral fillers and their effect on dimensional stability, and explore the many metallic filler options and their benefits 查看
Paddlesports - Application Bulletin Application Overview Explore the many ways polymers can help you innovate to meet evolving consumer demands 查看
Edgetek PEEK 产品选购指南 产品选型指南 这些配方是金属替代的理想选择,可在恶劣环境中保持稳定性能,同时不会损害物理完整性。 查看
电线电缆 - 行业公告 Industry Overview 特种工程材料电线电缆行业概览 查看
WillowWood 假肢 - 案例研究 案例分析 WillowWood 使用高级复合材料满足患者的假肢需求 查看
Stan-Tone™ EPX - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Learn about the high pigment loading of these colorants that allows for excellent economics  查看
信息图:高级复合材料振动弹簧 Product/Service Overview 探索 Avient 高级复合材料弹簧可靠、可重复的性能 查看
Gravi-Tech™ Kitchen Knife Handle Case Study (Snapshot) Gravi-Tech™ 取代高级厨房刀柄中的铝。 查看
Gravi-Tech™ Density Modified Formulations Extended Version Processing & Design Guides Gravi-Tech™ 的注射成型参数和故障排除建议 查看
reFlex™ 100 USDA High Solvating Bio-Derived Plasticizer - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview reFlex™ biobased content determination, USDA BioPreferred Label, examples of calculating theoretical renenwable content 查看
Colorant Chromatics PPSU Masterbatch - Colors for High Temperature Injection Molding Applications Product/Service Overview High-temperature colorants for polyphenylsulfone resin 查看
隐形眼镜容器 - 案例研究 案例分析 定制 Versaflex™ 配方可提高隐形眼镜容器的生产效率 查看
Universal Polyamide Overmold Thermoplastic Elastomer - White Paper 白皮书 Background of old nylon overmolding compared to new polyamide technology 查看
Apparel Ink Management - Case Study 案例分析 Apple Imprints Apparel switches to non-phthalate Wilflex™ inks and uses Wilflex™ DispenseMaster™ (DM4) to streamline its ink management 查看
ECCOH™ LSFOH 电线电缆 - 产品选购指南(中文版) 产品选型指南 最适合 ECCOH™ 低烟雾无卤解决方案的应用和电缆类型、市场、一般性能和特点(中文版) 查看
OnColor™ Impress™ High Gloss Metallic Effect Colorants (English) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology components (English language version) 查看
Gravi-Tech™ - 产品简报(中文版) Product/Service Overview 产品描述、价值解决方案、特点、市场和终端应用(中文版) 查看
Complēt™ 和 OnForce™ 长纤维增强热塑性复合材料 - 设计指南 Processing & Design Guides 下载本指南,了解如何设计出经久耐用的肋条、凸台和其他特征,加工 LFT 材料的更好方法,如何最大限度地减少零件缺陷,以及更多关于 Complēt™ 和 OnForce™ 长纤维增强热塑性复合材料的信息 查看
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